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Learning To Lead Before Becoming a Leader

How do you lead people before becoming a people leader? Let Lewis help you solve this conundrum. Join his Masterclass to level up your people management skills before you start leading people.
20:00 - 21:00 BST
Location: Online

Being a Senior QA Engineer, Lewis found ways to develop his people management skills without it being part of his job description. So what happens when you see a job spec that requires people management skills? How do you get the experience without being given the opportunity?

This masterclass talks about the ways you can engineer situations which allow you to develop your people management skills. Also in day-to-day activities, you will be demonstrating your leadership skills without realising. In this session, we will talk about a number of things you can do and reflect on to develop and practice your people management skills.

As well as those looking to get into people leadership, we welcome experienced people leaders to attend this Masterclass. Lewis will give you the opportunity to briefly join him on stage to share your experiences.