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Leeds Meetup

We're very excited to bring you a session by new speakers Lakshima Damodar Gaijala and Shushuma Balaboju.
18:00 - 20:00 BST
Location: BJSS Leeds

Ministry of Testing Leeds is very excited to bring you a session by new speakers Lakshima Damodar Gaijala and Shushuma Balaboju.

Talk 1

It’s all about looking at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

“Hello World” is going to be my first talk. It will be a window into my world which includes more of software testing than anything else. Is being an experienced tester a strength or a weakness? Listen to my story where I realised that once you remove the experience and look at things with a fresh pair of eyes you can add more value to the quality of the product.
Another story where I realised that you can be taken back or surprised when what is normal to you may not be the same to someone else with a different background, different place or in a different time. Anything different always adds a lot of value.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Importance of having freshers or junior testers in the team.
  2. Diversity in the testing workforce helps improve the quality of the product.

Talk 2

Testing with Screen Readers - Shushuma Balaboju

This practical session will explain screen readers and how they work. You will hear a screen reader in action and learn how elements such as links, buttons and input fields are interpreted by a screen reader. You will also learn how to incorporate screen reader testing into your toolkit.
A selection of food and drink will be available during the break and we offer our thanks to BJSS for hosting us again this year.