Test.bash('Online'); banner image


09:00 - 21:00 GMT
Location: Online

Test.bash(‘Online’); has a completely different look this year, not only will it be online, but instead of talks, we are going to have experience reports. On the 29th October from 9am - 9pm (UK time) the community will share experience reports based on solving the automation week challenges. We have challenges on Web UI, Web API, Pipelines, JavaScript, Mobile, Exploratory Testing, Test Data and Accessibility. There will also be round table conversations on all the hot automation topics as well as four Ask Me Anything sessions.

We hope this experimental format will give us real insight into how people solve challenging automation problems. A glimpse into their approach, tactics and of course the tooling they chose to use. Not to mention how they chose to tell their story. They’ll be something to learn from each experience report.

Experience Reports

The community have until Sunday, 25th October to complete their chosen challenges and submit their request to share their experience report. Then on Monday they'll be offered places, completing the lineup, which will then be published on Tuesday, 27th October. They are all going to be awesome so register, Go Pro and register or grab a ticket and join the fun!

How to Attend

Test.bash(); is included in Pro membership which makes it by far the most affordable way to attend. Pro MoT is £249.99 per year, discounts for teams and a monthly option for individual memberships. Alternatively you can buy a ticket just for the event for £75.


We want this to be a huge celebration of test tools and are actively looking for sponsors for the event. Sponsorship options are available below.


Thursday, 29th of October

09:00 AM
09:20 AM
Experience Report: Test Data with Gwen Diagram
09:40 AM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Louise Gibbs
10:00 AM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Constantin Pascal
10:20 AM
10:50 AM
Experience Report: Accessibility with Louise Gibbs
11:10 AM
Ask Me Anything - Simon Stewart
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
Experience Report: Mobile with Jaswanth Manigundan
12:50 PM
Experience Report: Mobile with David Salazar
1:10 PM
Experience Report: Mobile with Richard Bishop
01:30 PM
02:00 PM
Ask Me Anything - Marie Drake
02:40 PM
Experience Report: Exploratory Testing with Hugh McCamphill
03:00 PM
03:30 PM
Experience Report: Web API Automation with Beth Marshall & Viv Richards
03:50 PM
Experience Report: Web API Automation with Paul Farrell
04:10 PM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Christine Zierold
04:30 PM
05:00 PM
Ask Me Anything - Julia Pottinger
05:40 PM
Experience Report: Web API Automation with Jeri Levine
06:00 PM
06:30 PM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Ken Simeon
06:50 PM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Sérgio Freire
07:10 PM
Experience Report: Web UI Automation with Sam Simataa
07:30 PM
08:00 PM
Ask Me Anything - Vernon Richards
08:40 PM
Experience Report: Pipeline with Jaswanth Manigundan
09:00 PM
Wrap Up
*The presented times are in UK Timezone (GMT, UTC+0). To check your own timezone, we recommend this tool.
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