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York Meetup

Best engineering practices for web accessibility
18:00 - 20:00 GMT
Location: BJSS York

Everyone is welcome!

Do you have a passion, interest, or curiosity in software testing and quality assurance? Great, you're in for a treat! Whether you're a seasoned expert or taking your first steps in the industry, we're pretty sure we've got something for you (and vice-versa).

We are pleased to announce that Sam Widdowson will be the speaker for the month.

18:00: Registration opens
18:30: Introduction & housekeeping
18:40: “Web Accessibility” - Sam Widdowson
19:20: Pizza and networking
20:00: Event close

Sam Widdowson is a full-stack software engineer from York with over a decade of professional experience delivering regulatory-compliant software. He is currently employed by BJSS.
Having worked with a major airline improving the accessibility of their website, Sam has recent experience of current regulatory requirements and best engineering practices for web accessibility. The first steps are easy to take with the right awareness.

This will be an informative talk and one you don't want to miss.
As always, there'll be evening food (vegetarian and vegan options available).
Our event is kindly sponsored by BJSS.

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