Object Recognition with Rhett Devlin

15th May 2024
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Rhett Devlin 's profile
Rhett Devlin

Solutions Engineer at Ranorex

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Talk Description

Join us as we explore the critical role of object recognition in test automation and look into how Ranorex Studio's advanced Object Recognition technology simplifies the identification of specific UI elements. 

In this session, we demonstrate the effectiveness of RanoreXPath, showcasing how it enhances your testing efficiency. 

Discover the power of object recognition and learn how Ranorex Studio leverages this technology to optimize your testing process so that you get the highest quality results.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain insights into the concept and importance of object recognition in UI automation
  • Familiarise yourself with Ranorex's object recognition
  • Learn how to apply object recognition techniques in testing scenarios
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Ranorex empowers software teams with comprehensive test automation tools that can handle even the most challenging user interfaces.

Choose Ranorex Studio for all-in-one test automation across desktop, web and mobile devices. Test automation experts can use Ranorex Studio’s full IDE, with its open APIs and tools for intelligent code completion, refactoring, debugging and more. Automation novices can use Ranorex Studio’s capture-and-replay tools and built-in methodology to rapidly build reliable, maintainable tests while expanding their automation skills. All members of cross-functional teams can collaborate on solutions by sharing reusable object repositories and test automation modules. Ranorex Studio includes built-in Selenium WebDriver integration for scalable cross-browser testing: Execute tests in parallel, on a Selenium Grid or using a cloud platform. Perform data-driven testing with CSV files, Excel files, or SQL data connectors. Ranorex Studio integrates with Jira, Jenkins, TFS, Git, TestRail and many more

Choose Ranorex Webtestit for an IDE optimized for building web tests in Java and Typescript, cross-browser testing on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Ranorex Webtestit manages the tedious setup process, including scaffolding the test framework and downloading the necessary browser drivers. It automatically applies recognized best practices, creates boilerplate code and offers intelligent test-specific code completion. In addition, it generates native Selenium or Protractor code, uses the Page Object pattern to structure test code, and works hand-in-hand with the free Ranorex Selocity tool to generate smart selectors.

Rhett Devlin 's profile'

Rhett Devlin

Solutions Engineer at Ranorex

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