Monthly Newsletter: April RoundUp of All Things MoT

April Monthly Newsletter

April seems to have blown by with a mix of blistering heat or serious rain here!  As always we've had a great month between online events and TestBash, so we've great content to share!  We've gathered everything that has gone live, as well as those upcoming events, in this one monthly email!   Handy! 

The Club

A few selected discussions from The Club that we thought you might find interesting. 

  • A Bloggers club posted by dominickua. What better way to find motivation for blogging than to work on it with the community!
  • The future of the Test Manager? posted by sgodfrey81. Can a tester operate without a Test Manager and be able to manage their own development or is the role of a manager within an Agile world more of supporting culture and people development?
  • Key testing skill - in one word posted by sjwatsonuk. Steve is trying to find out from as many people as possible what one word sums up a key skill that a tester needs.
  • The Book Club: Crucial Conversations posted by heather_reid. Assuming you're not afraid of a few spoilers, a discussion about Crucial Conversations and why the contributors would recommend it to others.
  • Learning buddies in Test Management? posted by bangser.a. Following on from Abby's UnExpo stand at TestBash Brighton, if you interested in learning, teaching or sharing experiences about Test Management join the conversation.


The Club Ninja

Each month we select one of our Club users to be our Ninja of the Month.  We're delighted to announce that Abby Bangser is our Club Ninja for April!

The Dojo

Snapshot of all the content produced for The Dojo throughout April!  You'll find articles, podcasts and videos.   We have a mix of free and pro membership content - as you might expect, as a pro member you have access to all content created. 

May Events

Future Events

Just a quick sneak peek at what events are coming up in the next few months

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