🚀 MoT Software Testing Essentials Certificate is here!

Early bird pricing ends 22nd of December

We’d like to introduce you to MoT-STEC: our Software Testing Essentials Certification, made in collaboration with the software testing professional members of the community.

So what? We’re pretty excited about this. It’s been a long time in the making. Many starts. Stops. And starting over. What we’ve landed on what we feel is authentic, relevant and community-led. Most importantly it’s for the long-term benefit of the software testing community.

It feels special, and it’s designed to help new testers kick-start their career with confidence.

Come and watch the introductory video to get a taste of what to expect. 👇

Build a strong foundation in software testing, with a happy Beth Marshall being featured.

Why it matters…the lack of a strong foundational and independent course for software testing has been a pain point for software testers for quite some time. We wanted to create something of real value whilst maintaining a strong community ethos.

What’s next? MoT-STEC is available now to purchase and start learning. We’ve released the first two modules and aim to have the full certification available by the end of February 2025. We have a 50% early bird offer available until December 22nd 2024.

Zooming out…here’s an overview of what MoT-STEC will cover.

The Essentials Certification from Ministry of Testing is a modern introduction to the world of testing software. It’s created with a forward thinking lens and with current experts from within the software testing industry. Our goal is to equip the next generation of software testers to move forward with confidence in their careers.

1. What is software testing?

2. What do software testers do?

3. The secret skill set of software testers

4. Testing fundamentals and techniques

5. The struggles of software testing

6. Risky business: The relationship between testing and risk

7. The complexity of software testing

8. Gather better information: understanding requirements

9. Exploring test design

10. Doing the testing work

11. The outputs of software testing

12. The art of communicating testing

13. Navigating software problems with confidence

14. Fail to plan, plan to fail

15. Testing debt and maintaining a lean machine

16. Technical Testing

17. Get started with test automation

18. Testing specialisms

19. Keeping up to date

20. Glossary

👉 Get MoT-STEC, for you or your team

Sarah Deery
Learning and Development Lead
My main aim is to help software testers turn their vast knowledge and skills into bite-sized chunks suitable for the community to digest.
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