Andrew Morton
MoT Developer
I am Open to Speak
Fell into testing after getting a temporary job doing UAT and discovered he was actually good at it. Moved into development after deciding that the best way to build quality in was to do it.
The more 99 Second Talks, the better!
First day of 99 Second Talks at TestBash Brighton 2024
Andrew on the TestBash stage.
A selfie from Scout with a number of TestBash ambassadors, all wearing pink MoT t-shirts. Front row is Scout, Emily, Heather and Andrew, who is unkowingly holding the wrong schedules as they are upside down. Back row is Louise, Kirsten, Ben and Simon.
A number of TestBash volunteers around a table at lunch.
Plumber fixes leaky pipes, and each time a new leak appears until the room is flooded.
Car labelled Community is swerving at speed onto an off ramp. A direction sign is labelled Continue testing on the straight ahead arrow. The right arrow, and where the car is swerving is labelled Add memes to MoT.
Incident report of twitter spamming
Call for Papers has changed so that submissions should be tailored to a specific event
Website will be down for a short period between 6-7am GMT on Saturday 13th November
Filter tools that have a demo video attached
We've made changes to our tool directory
Find out how we've enhanced the job applications feature
An experience report on how they managed to start automating test at their company