99 Second Talk - Kim Knup - Using the word "Agile" to describe a methodology

7th October 2015
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Kim Knup

99 Second Talk - Kim Knup - Using the word "Agile" to describe a methodology image
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Talk Description

Kim is one of the co-organisers of the Brighton tester meet-up and a manual front end tester by trade.Her main interests in testing are usability testing and using automation tools to aid manual exploratory testing.

You can find her on Twitter as @punkmik or on her blog.

Kim Knup's profile'

Kim Knup

Kim is Senior Digital Tester at Legal and General, co-organisers of the Brighton tester meet-up; #TestActually and event host for the Brighton Software Testing Clinic. She is passionate about usability and likes to do what the user (apparently) would never do.

Over the years she’s worked in linguistic games testing, and worked with big data archiving and asset management tools as well as recruiting and leading a small team of testers. Her main interests are usability testing and using automation tools to aid exploratory testing.

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