Can You Do 'Better Than Richard'?

13th January 2023
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Ajay Balamurugadas's profile
Ajay Balamurugadas

Senior Director - QE, GSPANN Technologies

Rahul Parwal's profile
Rahul Parwal


Can You Do 'Better Than Richard'? image
Talk Description

In this session, Rahul Parwal and Ajay Balamurugadas will 'Do Better Than Richard' in this fun, but serious take on bad leadership situations. 

For the past weeks, Richard Bradshaw has shared some videos on Twitter, using the #DoBetterThanRichard

Watch this session to see how these situations could have had a better leadership outcome and why not, try your own outcome?

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Learn how to be a better leader
  • Discuss good and bad leadership scenarios
Ajay Balamurugadas's profile'

Ajay Balamurugadas

Senior Director - QE, GSPANN Technologies

Ajay Balamurugadas, goes by the handle ‘ajay184f’ in the testing community and is continuously re-inventing his testing methodology. He co-founded Weekend Testing - a worldwide movement for skilled testing, authored multiple books available at and His friends associate the terms - ‘Change Agent, Idea Man, Motivational’ to him. He tweets under @ajay184f and loves to have long conversations on software testing and life in general. He is currently working at GSPANN Technologies, Inc. as Senior Director - QE. When not testing, he spends time with his wife and two children.
Rahul Parwal's profile'

Rahul Parwal


Rahul Parwal is a Software Tester & Generalist. Presently, He is a Senior Software Engineer with ifm engineering in India. Reading, learning, and practicing the craft of software testing is something he enjoys doing. He also shares his knowledge and experience with testers via LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog, Youtube, and meetups. His recent accolades include the ‘Jerry Weinberg Testing Excellence Award‘ from the “Tea-time with Testers” and the 'Super Voice Award' by Synapse QA. Want to know more, Check out:
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