Accessibility Charters Introduction
Ady Stokes
Freelance Consultant
Scott Kenyon
Freelance Digital Delivery Trainer
Talk Description
Accessibility is an often forgotten or unconsidered system quality criteria or non-functional requirement. What many might not know is that 15% of the world's population has some form of disability. Â
WeThe15 is the biggest ever human rights movement to end discrimination towards the world’s 1.2 billion persons with disabilities who represent 15% of the global population.Â
There will also be a brief introduction to Charters. These are the “unwritten rules” all teams have when looking at ways of working and software delivery.
Then focusing on what is an accessibility charter and why it's one of the most important ones to have in your toolkit.
By the end of this session, you'll be able to:
- Describe the basics of accessibility
- Describe the basics of what Charters are
- Identify how an Accessibility Charter can be invaluable to your level of quality