Mobile Test Automation at the BBC: Then, Now and Next - Jit Gosai

13th January 2023
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Jitesh Gosai's profile
Jitesh Gosai

Principal Tester

Mobile Test Automation at the BBC: Then, Now and Next - Jit Gosai image
Talk Description

This is a case study of how the Mobile Platform teams test automation has evolved over the last 5 years. From rounds of manual regression testing then onto automated UI testing now to isolated code level tests and what’s next for the team.

I’ll go into what worked for the team and what didn’t and how we overcome the problems we faced.

This talk will also detail what we plan to do for the future of testing within the Mobile Platform team.

Key takeaways:

  • Testing: What has and hasn’t worked with our testing from manual to automated testing and everything in between
  • Pairing: How we collaboratively pair tester and developers to write code level tests
  • Team structure: How our teams are organised and why
  • Risk Vs Value: How we balance the risk of not testing Vs value of testing it
  • Feedback: What new feedback mechanisms we are looking at to understand the quality of our products and feeding this back into development


What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Jitesh Gosai's profile'

Jitesh Gosai

Principal Tester

Jitesh Gosai has over 19 years of testing experience, working with various companies enabling them to build, test and automate at scale. He is currently a principal tester at the BBC in the iPlayer & Sounds department, working with Mobile, TV, Web and Smart speaker teams. His core aim is to create a Culture of Quality by helping teams build quality into their products. In his free time, he likes to speak about his experiences at conferences all over Europe and blogs regularly at and tweets @jitgo
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  • automation
  • mobile