Watch Jaswanth Manigundan's Experience Report on Mobile from Test.bash('Online'): 2020
The application for this challenge is the Sauce Labs Swaglabs App… More about the application is available here. You can also ask questions related to the application there.
The Challenges:
Complete these challenges using any tooling of your choice, and on iOS, Android or both!
Open the Swaglabs App, login to the application, and assert you are logged in.
Open the Swaglabs App, add the ‘Sauce Labs Onesie’ to your cart using the buttons and complete the checkout process. Assert the order was successful.
Open the Swaglabs App, add the ‘Test.allTheThings() Red T-shirt’ to the shopping cart using the Drag and Drop mechanism, then complete the checkout process and assert it was successful.
Test Pinch and Zoom on a product page.
Staff Quality Coach, Culture Amp
I’m Jas from Melbourne. I currently work at Culture Amp as a Staff Quality Coach, specialising in test automation and testability.
I have worked in the mobile app development space for almost a decade, where I saw mobile devices and operating systems get better and better by the day. My fascination towards mobile devices made me start my professional career as a mobile app developer. But my quest to build better apps and write code that is much more testable lead me to transition into a test automation engineer specialising in mobile.
Since then, I’ve gradually explored a wide variety of test automation frameworks and have consulted for some of the leading software teams in Australia to build efficient test automation suites for both mobile and web apps.
I have spoken about my test automation journey in a variety of testing conferences like the Ministry of Testing’s Testbashes, Automation Guild (by TestGuild) and Saucelabs’ Saucecon.
I now work at Culture Amp alongside the legendary Anne-Marie Charrett helping build a passionate quality enablement team.
I currently work with test automation frameworks (functionality, contract and load) for APIs, web apps, micro-services and event sourced systems.
Latest obsession… Observability within test frameworks.
Staff Quality Coach, Culture Amp
I’m Jas from Melbourne. I currently work at Culture Amp as a Staff Quality Coach, specialising in test automation and testability.
I have worked in the mobile app development space for almost a decade, where I saw mobile devices and operating systems get better and better by the day. My fascination towards mobile devices made me start my professional career as a mobile app developer. But my quest to build better apps and write code that is much more testable lead me to transition into a test automation engineer specialising in mobile.
Since then, I’ve gradually explored a wide variety of test automation frameworks and have consulted for some of the leading software teams in Australia to build efficient test automation suites for both mobile and web apps.
I have spoken about my test automation journey in a variety of testing conferences like the Ministry of Testing’s Testbashes, Automation Guild (by TestGuild) and Saucelabs’ Saucecon.
I now work at Culture Amp alongside the legendary Anne-Marie Charrett helping build a passionate quality enablement team.
I currently work with test automation frameworks (functionality, contract and load) for APIs, web apps, micro-services and event sourced systems.
Latest obsession… Observability within test frameworks.