API Mocking and Service Virtualization Explained

17th October 2017
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Wojciech Bulaty's profile
Wojciech Bulaty

API Mocking and Service Virtualization Explained image
Talk Description
Too much pressure on the testing team and not enough time to test? Are testers being blocked by other teams not delivering APIs on time, leaving them unable to test? Hard to reproduce production bugs resulting in frustration and time loss? Is creating test data complex and taking time, slowing the testing team down?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might need stubbing and service virtualization.

Stubbing and service virtualization are great tools to understand and use for testing. You can also think of them as simulators for APIs. In this Masterclass, we will explore the terminology involved with stubbing and service virtualization. We’ll then walk through a simplified example of how a service virtualization tool can work with a testing framework. We’ll also explore a few problems testers can face when using these testing techniques.

By the end of this session, you'll be able to:

  • Describe what service virtualization is
  • List the different ways of creating virtual services
  • State the benefits of testing in isolation with service virtualization
Wojciech Bulaty is writing on behalf of WB Software Consultancy Limited. Wojciech has more than 10 years of hands-on and leadership experience in software development and testing. WB Software Consultancy has consulted for a spectrum of clients like British Sky Broadcasting and Lloyds Bank, and a range of startups.
Wojciech Bulaty is writing on behalf of WB Software Consultancy Limited. Wojciech has more than 10 years of hands-on and leadership experience in software development and testing. WB Software Consultancy has consulted for a spectrum of clients like British Sky Broadcasting and Lloyds Bank, and a range of startups.
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