Here We Go Again! Let’s Co-create Another Open-Source Testing Curriculum!

Help shape a revolutionary, new curriculum for junior testers.

“How do I get started in Software Testing?” is probably the most common question we hear. And yet, there is currently no clear answer or path to follow. Sure, there are lots of great resources out there. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a relevant learning path with all the things junior software testers need to know and do to complete their role successfully? Well, that’s what we are looking to create this year!

Last year, over 150 members of the MoT community helped us build a modern and authentic Automation Engineer in Testing Curriculum (Mark Winteringham and Richard Bradshaw are now in the process of turning that into learning content.) Next, we hope you’ll help us do the same for a Junior Software Testing (Junior Test Engineer/Junior QA Engineer) role.

Why Help?

To create an authentic and successful curriculum, we need the community to share their experience and knowledge. No one knows what junior testers need to know and do better than testers themselves, so your input is vital. We will also be capturing invaluable insights from managers and recruiters of junior testers. But why give your time and insights to MoT?

Well, we can think of three key reasons:

  1. Our goal is good - we aim to improve testing education for everyone, so all our curricula will be open-source. Anyone can access our curricula for free and find or create content that meets the outcomes. Of course, we will be making our own content that folks can purchase, which will be the best there is! 😉
  2. Help the next generation - with access for all in mind, by contributing your knowledge and insights; you’ll help the next generation of software testers learn relevant tasks and skills that help them be successful at their job. No more learning irrelevant content with gaping holes; everything in our curricula will be focused on helping folks get a job and fulfil their role.
  3. Get recognition for your contribution - practically everything we do at MoT is in collaboration with community members, and in every case, we give due credit to everyone involved. So if you'd like to be recognised for helping shape a revolutionary, new curriculum for junior testers, find out how below.

How to Help?

There are many ways to get involved in this project, both big and small, which greatly impact the creation of a valuable curriculum. For example, you will be able to help by filling in surveys, reviewing forum posts on our progress, joining collaborative events to share your experiences, and more! 

Here’s what you can do now to get involved:

Subscribe to Our Topic Page

The best way to keep up-to-date with what’s happening with this project is to subscribe to the Junior Tester Curriculum Topic on our site. You’ll then be notified of project updates and new community initiatives to help develop the curriculum.

Subscribe Now 🤩 

Complete a Survey

We’re running three surveys to capture insights from our three target groups, namely,

  1. Junior Testers - a short survey for Junior Software Testers/JuniorTest Engineers/Junior QA Engineers on their role and training needs. 
    Complete the survey for Junior Testers
  2. Managers of Junior Testers - a short survey for managers of Junior Software Testers on what they need, look for and offer junior testers in their teams.
    Complete the survey for Managers of Junior Testers
  3. Recruiters of Junior Testers - a short survey for recruiters of Junior Software Testers on what you look for in candidates and what typical candidates are like.
    Complete the survey for Recruiters of Junior Testers

Share Our Mission

Tell folks about this curriculum project and the mission of developing an open-source, modern and authentic curriculum. The more folks involved, the better! These curricula can potentially revolutionise testing education and the software testing craft itself.

Click the “Share this news” button below.

Sarah Deery's profile
Hello, I'm

Sarah Deery

Learning And Development Specialist

Sarah Deery is a Learning And Development Specialist at Ministry of Testing. Her main aim is to help software testers turn their vast knowledge and skills into bite-sized chunks suitable for the community to digest. She used to do things in her spare time but now she has a toddler.