ReTestBash UK 2022 Live Recordings Now Available

You can now watch the recordings from ReTestBash UK 2022 live sessions

Once again, Ministry of Testing experiments with a new conference format: it was time for ReTestBash UK 2022!

On the 1st of December, we met online to re-watch some of TestBash UK 2022's talks, invite those speakers once again on the main stage for live Q&A sessions, do a live Activity and reflect on our learnings.


Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time in the day to re-watch all of TestBash UK 2022's talks, so we had to select a few and thankfully these awesome speakers were available to share their knowledge once again and dive deeper into their topics:

  • We kicked off the day with Robbie Falck's talk Throw Out the QA Strategy Documents and Build a Ways of Working, where he talked about the journey his team went on in transforming their agile processes, discovering their Ways of Working and figuring out how to stray away from long strategy documents that no one likes reading and focusing on visual strategies that everyone owns. Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • Next up, was Marie Cruz, who joined us again with her talk on Performance Testing 101 where she showed us how to get equipped with the knowledge and tools to get started with performance testing. Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • Stuart Day and Vernon Richards came together again on the stage to show off their dance skills and Quality Coaching knowledge with their talk What is Quality Coaching, Why Should Testers Care And What Difference Does It Make For Our Teams? Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • To finish the first half of the day we discovered The Power of Example Mapping with Kika Ganesan. Kika explained very well what example mapping is, how to do it and also when not to use it! Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • After a longer break, we watched Dan Ashby's talk Evolving Our Testing: Assessing Quality Throughout The SDLC where Dan explained his view on testing and its purpose of assessing quality, in line with his views of quality being beyond the correctness of the software. Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • Joining us once again all the way from Jamaica, was Julia Pottinger with her talk Next Level API Automation​​​​​​. During her talk, Julia explained how to get started with automating APIs and so much more that can not fit in a single sentence! Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.
  • The last talk of the day was by the 'pink ray of sunshine' Clare NormanQuality Coaching: Level 1. In her talk, Clare shows how anyone can experiment with quality caching, as long as you have the right attitude. Check all the resources and read all the questions asked in the live Q&A session in this Club thread.


The awesome Lewis Prescott, joined the main stage to give the online community the opportunity to experiment with his activity The Most Awesome User-focused Dashboard. Who doesn't love a good dashboard? This activity was a great way to learn how we can create user-focused dashboards, how to bring them alive and how useful they are when monitored regularly.

Due to the nature of the hands-on activity, a recording would not be ideal as this was designed to be done live with the facilitator.

Watch All the Recordings!

All TestBash UK 2022 and ReTestBash UK 2022 recordings are available to Pro Members and ticket holders to any of these conferences.

Ticket holders should have received an email with instructions on how to access the videos. Pro Members should just be able to watch as per all other content on the platform. We have also made some of the talks free for Club members.

If you're not yet Pro... go Pro 😉



Diana Dromey's profile
Hello, I'm

Diana Dromey

Events Producer

I'm originally from Portugal and now calling Manchester, UK, my home. I love meeting new people, hosting friends and family, snowboarding, delicious food, binge-watching sci-fi TV shows, photography, my beautiful son, driving and generally life itself!