New! Professional Members can now add collections

A fresh feature available now for Professional Members

For most of this year, Team MoT has been internally using β€˜Collections’ to organise selective content within our platform into carefully curated resources. As we've grown over the years, the content we've produced with the software testing community has grown to an extent where we need to design ways to help people find and use it in a more meaningful way.

Collections are one such way to do this.

The Community's Guide to Software Testing and AI

What are collections? You can view them as a group or a list of content that logically makes sense to bring together. The reasons we may group them may vary. We hope to see the community be creative in what they create.

How are they being used? Internally we've used them to group all our TestBash Brighton 2024 talks. We've also grouped our Testing Planet sessions into a collection, check out Testing Planet Episode 6 as an example. Along the way we also started creating Community Guidess in response to people looking for resources on a topic. Here's The Community's Guide to Exploratory Testing.

How can collections be useful to me? We are excited to see how members of the community use them. Perhaps you've contributed and want to create a collection of what you've contributed. Perhaps you want to collect content for your team to learn. Or maybe you'll collect resources to support your own software testing career journey.

Who can add Collections? This new feature is available to Professional Members, you can add as many as you like and choose to make them public or private. Head over to Collections to get started. You can then view and manage all your collections within MyMoT.

Not a Professional Member yet? No problem, head over to our Membership to sign up as an individual or a team.

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