TestBash Is Coming Home to Brighton — The Call to Contribute is Open(AI)!

We’re shaking things up and bringing TestBash back to Brighton on September 12th and 13th, 2024

We’re shaking things up and bringing TestBash back to Brighton on September 12th and 13th, 2024.

Not only that, we’re seeing that AI is changing the way we think and approach our testing.

We will have one day dedicated to all things AI and Testing.

  • TestBash Day 1: Software Testing + AI
  • TestBash Day 2: Other hot software testing topics

TestBash Brighton will have the extra special homecoming vibes, taking us back to where our testing magic flourished. We’re using it as an opportunity to refresh how we approach our conferences.

Over the years conferences have intensified and focused efforts on speakers as the main contributors. We’re changing this and recognising that it takes many people to make a conference experience feel worthwhile and one to remember.

We no longer solely have a call to speak, we have a Call to Contribute. There are many ways to contribute to TestBash and we massively appreciate them all.

For TestBash Brighton you can contribute by applying for one (or more) of these roles:

  • The Facilitator: Create and facilitate a group activity
  • The Ambassador: Create connections before, during and after TestBash
  • The Speaker: Present a 20-30 minute talk
  • The Teacher: Host a 99-minute workshop

All contributors need to apply through the same form until the 14th of February 2024.
All contributors get free entry, accommodation and travel expenses covered.

👉 Apply to be a TestBash Contributor

As an attendee or contributor, I hope to see you again at TestBash in September next year!

- Diana Dromey, EventBoss

PS. Blind Bird tickets are now on sale and are limited to 50 tickets only

Diana Dromey's profile
Hello, I'm

Diana Dromey

Events Producer

I'm originally from Portugal and now calling Manchester, UK, my home. I love meeting new people, hosting friends and family, snowboarding, delicious food, binge-watching sci-fi TV shows, photography, my beautiful son, driving and generally life itself!