Aaron Hodder
Aaron Hodder hails from Wellington, New Zealand, where he works for Assurity Consulting to coach testers to develop and deliver new and innovative testing practices to better suit the demands of modern-day software development.
Aaron is a passionate software tester with a particular enthusiasm for visual test modelling and structured exploratory testing techniques. He regularly blogs and tweets about testing and is a co-founder of Wellington Testing Workshops/
An insightful panel hosted by Tristan Lombard featuring Pradeep Soundararajan, Anne-Marie Charrett and Aaron Hodder.
Watch "A Fork in the Road: the Uncertain Future of Non-technical Testing"with Aaron Hodder from TestBash New Zealand 2019
Bring out the best in your neurodiverse team
Watch Aaron Hodder's talk "To Boldly Go: Taking The Enterprise On A Journey To Structured Exploratory Testing" from TestBash Brighton 2018