Marie Cruz
Developer Advocate
Marie Cruz is currently a Developer Advocate at and Grafana Labs. She is a tech blogger at and an accessibility advocate. She is also an online course instructor at Ministry of Testing and Test Automation University.
Marie and Nate provide a comprehensive guide to choosing the most suitable testing tools for various projects
As humans, we have been exposed to a lot of waiting times.
Learn about the importance of perceived performance and how it differs from objective performance.
Discover why page speed matters to deliver a product closer to our users' needs
Learn about the key differences between front-end and back-end performance testing and why it’s needed to perform both
Marie Drake solves the UI challenge from Test.bash(); 2022 using K6.
Elevate your UI to new heights with valuable perspectives from automation gurus
Marie Cruz joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after her talk Performance Testing 101​​​​​​​ and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
Find out how to get solid test automation practices in place
Discover what inspired TestBash UK 2022 attendees in our 99 Second Talks
New to performance testing, Marie shares the 101s.
What can you learn about leadership from being a Quality Engineering Manager? Marie shares all in her talk from TestBash Leadership 2022
Become comfortable with using Cypress and discover how to introduce it to your work projects
Watch Marie Drake's Ask Me Anything from Test.bash('Online'): 2020