Favourite Three Tools with Rahul Parwal and Ajay Balamurugadas
Ajay Balamurugadas
Senior Director - QE, GSPANN Technologies
Rahul Parwal
Test Specialist
Talk Description
We’re fortunate in the software testing industry to have many options when it comes to tooling. Whilst many new options exist, we tend to hold on to a few more than others. These are our go-to tools, our trusty tools, and the tools we simply can’t live without. These tools help us to stay more productive in our day-to-day work and we feel they could bring great value addition to most people who work in the testing industry.
In this talk, Our Three Favourite Tools & Why? We will share our three favorite tools (XMind, Vimium, and Pairwise Tool) with you. We’ll share the context where these tools can be used, how this tool helps stay more productive, our personal history and experience with these tools, and how we’ve used it in the past, and how we use it now. We’ll also provide a short demonstration of a couple of tools. This talk will introduce you to new tools as well as contextual ways in which each of these tools can be used.
By the end of this session, you'll be able to:
- The importance of remaining tool aware