Learning What Testing Is (A Story of my Own) – Guna Petrova

Talk Description
Projects and people come in all shapes, size and the purpose they aim to achieve. All have their unique quirks. The perspective on “what testing is” differs depending on the experience and knowledge gathered by the individual in the given moment in time. I’m not convinced that unified naming conventions will solve the problems of common understanding.
In this speech i want to tackle the different perspectives that a person had in past and what might contribute to it. I’d like to mention a few aspects and turning points that could help to recognize or even accept different perspective on matter at hand.
The key takeaway would be: Our understanding on what testing is will differ. And it’s okay. If we can remain respectful and dedicated to the needed end result, we still can get things done in spite the different opinions we have.
About Guna: I’m a tester and I like it, a lot. Testing is something I am still learning and this is just a beginning of my trip. The longer I’ve been in IT the longer list of things I want to learn and improve at gets. Outside of work i like to volunteer at Agile/Testing events. It’s fun but exhausting. That is why I also like walks in the parks and sleep. I have received support from testers around the world and I’m thankful to them. Next big target for me is to help my new team to turn a scary project into something helpful and usable.
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