🎟 Blind Bird Ticket Sale for TestBash UK 2023 Has Been Extended!

You now have more time to get your ticket for TestBash UK 2023 at the best price!

Didn't Get a chance to buy a Blind Bird Ticket yet for TestBash UK 2023? Not a problem! We have extended the Blind Bird ticket sale for another 3 weeks. This way you'll have more time to get your hands on the cheapest tickets for TestBash UK 2023.

Why Have We Extended The Sale?

The Blind Bird sale was set to finish on the 8th of January 2023, when the Call For Papers closes. But I (Diana) didn't factor in, at the time of setting the dates, the time we needed to allow for the community to review the abstracts and for us to invite and confirm the speaker lineup. 

The Blind Bird sale is available until the lineup is launched to offer those who are self-funding the cheapest way to access this event. No other tickets will be cheaper, nor future discounts will match the Blind Bird offer.

So When Is The Blind Bird Sale Ending Now?

The Blind Bird ticket sale will now finish on the 31st of January 2023 (or until the limit of 50 tickets has been reached), as we're aiming to announce the lineup by the 1st of February 2023.

What Is The Price Difference?

Blind Bird tickets are £699 each and can not be discounted.

The next sale, the Super Early Bird, will cost £799 each or £749 for Pro Members. We will also have group discounts available for groups of 5 or more.

How Can You Buy a Ticket?

Head over to our ticketing page.


Diana Dromey
Events & Marketing Lead
Originally from Portugal but call Manchester UK my home. I love meeting people, hosting friends and family, snowboarding, food, binge-watching sci-fi TV shows, photography, my son and life itself!
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