Posted: Oct 1, 2021

Welcome to Day 1 of 30 Days of Tools

30 Days of Tools aims to help enhance your tool awareness which helps you become a better testing professional. And in doing so you'll help the testing community.

It's Day 1 of the challenges and here's what to do:

  1. Select the "Subscribe to Topic" button on the 30 Days of Tools page
  2. Check out the Day 1 challenge
  3. Share with the community or your team, or sit back, observe and learn.

You might feel pressure to actively do and share everything, yet you absolutely don't have to. Make it work for you and your approach.


– Simon, CommunityBoss 😃


ps Richard Bradshaw and Mark Winteringham plan to livestream their challenge efforts every weekday at 12:30pm BST. Join them today on YouTube.

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Hello, I'm

Simon Tomes

Community Team

Simon works in the community team at Ministry of Testing and his pronouns are he/him. Currently learning to be a better community enabler, he has a passion for all things testing with a career in various testing roles since 2003. He particularly enjoys promoting and sharing the value of exploratory testing.