Simon Tomes
Community Lead at Ministry of Testing
I am Open to Write, Teach, Speak, Mentor
Hello, I'm Simon. I've had various roles in testing, tech leadership and coaching since 2003. I believe in the power of collaboration, creativity and community.
Join Simon Tomes and his team of reporters for another round of news
Two women sat on a row of chairs reading a newspaper. People are standing in the background in an open office space. Lots of chat is happening.
A group of twelve people stood outside in the sun in front of a stone tower and trees. They are posing in various ways for the camera. It captures lightheartedness and fun. A duck, seagull and bug character are also present.
What quality engineering requests can you handle? Read a roundup of news, events and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
The Monkey Puppet meme. The puppet on the left is looking to the side. The puppet on the right is looking straight ahead. Text: Everyone should know how they contribute to quality. Everyone:
A woman stands to the right and in front of a massive sheet in a conference space.
Selfie of a group of several gathered around a circular table. The table has sticky notes, paper and bottles of water. In the background there are other large circular tables with other activities in progress. A bug and duck character have been added to the photo. They are attempting to hide.
What does your MoTaverse look like? Find out what's been happening in the testing, QA and quality engineering community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's MoT Weekly.
This image shows a table covered in colourful sticky notes with various phrases and questions written on them. It appears to be a brainstorming session or a planning meeting, likely about software development and testing.
Here are some of the key themes and phrases that stand out:
Testing & Development: "Checking vs Testing," "Agile," "Automation Testing or Development driven?" "Focus on team driven"
Process & Roles: "Everything can be automated," "How best to get [developers?] working," "Appreciate strengths of each role," "Get people to do what they're good [at]"
Efficiency & Budget: "Incentivize to reduce admin," "Budget," "Is testing...prudent?"
User Focus: "Depends on context of app," "It may need to evolve," "User or technical"
The notes suggest a discussion about optimizing development processes, potentially by introducing automation, improving team dynamics, and focusing on user needs. The different coloured sticky notes might indicate different categories or levels of priority for the topics.
A group of six people smiling at the camera. They are outside socialising in an event space. There is an outdoor swimming pool in the background. A bug, duck and seagull character are attempting to hide in the photo.
Who is testing and why does it matter? Seek help and advice from the testing, QA and quality engineering community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's MoT Weekly.
Nine people on a bridge over a river. Six are standing and three are kneeling. Boats, trees and tall buildings are in the background. The sky is a cloudy grey. A duck character and a bug character are attempting to hide in the photo.
What if errors are opportunities to grow? Discover many ways to get involved with the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's MoT Weekly.
Discover testing trends, exciting events and talks, new articles, fun memes and memories, hot topics and new collections
Continuous Quality is about spotting patterns in products, people and processes. There are risks to consider in everything we see, hear and touch. And there are also opportunities. If we spot the patterns and join them up we can see how things can evolve. We can make better decisions to build better products. Continuous Quality is a mindset that reminds us to be on the lookout for patterns all the time.
Nearly there! How was your 2024? Join events and discover many ways to learn and contribute with the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
Debrief the week in testing as the community explores debugging wins, building and scaling communities of practice, leadership in testing, and much mote
Listen to This Week in Resting to hear about fostering continuous quality, building psychologically safe teams, leadership roles in driving quality, and much more!
A selfie of a group of eight or so people. They have matching pink t-shirts with Ministry of Testing logos on. Some are wearing MoT branded black caps. A small bug and small duck character have been added to the photo.
Exploratory testing provides the organised feel of scripted testing with the rapid feedback of ad-hoc "try-to-break-it" testing. Identifying what to test next is where exploratory testing comes into its own – by using structure and fast feedback.
We're often asked "What is software testing?" by people who know little or nothing about building and delivering software. Here's a typical response. "Good question! I sometimes struggle to answer this but here goes. Think of all those apps and websites you use. Software testing is a thing people do to make sure you have a better experience when using those apps and websites.” And for people who know something about building and delivering software, I'd now direct them to this glossary page. 😃
A large group of people face the stage in a conference room space. They appear interested. A duck and bug character have been added to the photo and appear to be hiding.
How multi-talented do we have to be? Read a roundup of news, events and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
Explore missed bug reflections, discuss internal QA conferences, and uncover the impact of self-taught learning in episode 65 of This Week in Testing!
A group of eight people sat around a circular table. They are in deep discussion running through a security testing exercise. A bug and duck character have been added to the photo. Bug is harder to find than duck.
What boundaries help you recognise issues? Find out what's been happening in the testing, QA and quality engineering community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's MoT Weekly.
What is quality coaching? What does a quality coach do? How does quality coaching fit into testing?
A road marking with the words Ceep Klear on it.
Discover testing trends, exciting events and talks, new articles, fun memes and memories, hot topics and new collections
Join Simon Tomes and his team of reporters for another round of news
Two men smile at a camera.
A conference auditorium space looking at the stage from the back of the room. Lots of people are listening to a talk. There is a woman and man on stage. A duck and bug character are hiding.
What tough calls are on your testing plate? Seek help and advice from the testing, QA and quality engineering community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's MoT Weekly.
Two men posing for a selfie.
Items to help you and your new hire get started in their new job
Part of Buckingham Palace in London. The main sign reads “The King’d Gallery”. The sign on the side reads “The Queen’s Gallery”.
What's the connection between risks and quality engineering? Discover many ways to get involved with the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's MoT Weekly.
A medium size event space overlooking the sea. A group of people are watching a presentation. There is a bug and duck character hiding.
Tune into Episode 61 of This Week in Testing for community updates, practical testing tips, and a special segment of 99-second talks.
Be inspired by multiple stories of testing, QA, quality engineering, SDET, test leader career paths plus many more.
A large crowd of people gathered in a grand event space. Lots of conversations are happening. A duck and bug character are hiding.
How do community contributions support career growth? Join events and discover many ways to learn and contribute with the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
A close-up of a sign on a wooden door. Text: Testing Room
About a hundred or so people gathered in a conference space. There is an impressive lighting rig attached to the ceiling. Conversations are in full flow. There is a bug and duck character attempting to hide.
How do we amplify the value of testing? Read a roundup of news, events and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
Catch This Week in Testing, where Simon and guests reflect on TestBash 2024, share AI insights, and offer tips for applying conference learnings
A meme from a Scooby Doo episode split into halfs. Top half there's a person looking at someone with a hood. Text: What's this? The bottom half shows the hood revealed with the text 'You literally looked a minute ago' and 'ah yeah, sorry'.
Something special happens when a TestBash conference speaker comes back to react to one their talks. What's changed? What's new? What's relevant? Discover the power of longevity in this collection of revisited TestBash Talks.
A large crowd of people sat in a grand auditorium watching a speaker who is standing on the stage. There is a duck and a bug character attempting to hide in the scene.
What lies at the heart of continuous quality? Find out what's been happening in the testing, QA and quality engineering community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's MoT Weekly.
Join Simon Tomes for another round of news
Several women are gathered around a circular table in a conference room event space. A man and woman at another table are creating a list of items on paper.
Tune into this TestBash special episode featuring live insights from Rosie Sherry, Jenna Charlton, Rahul Parwal and more, sharing advice on community, career growth, and AI in testing
The sun sets over the sea. A large group of people are gathered in a social space on the beach. Many conversations are happening in different sized groups. There's a buzz in the air. There is a small bug character and a duck character immersed in the scene.
What happens when our testing is too fast? Discover many ways to learn from and participate in the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's MoT Weekly.
A chart with four columns labelled A, B, C, and D. The first column contains various testing-related terms like "software testers," "exploratory testing," and "the testing community." The second column contains verbs like "wanted to," "requested to," and "declined to." The third column contains words like "praise," "argue with," and "collaborate." The fourth column contains nouns like "developers," "product managers," and "designers." The image encourages users to combine elements from each column to create their own fictional "tester revelations." The image also includes the website ministryoftesting.com.
A woman is lining up several rows of chairs. There is concentration and satisfaction on her face.
Looking down on crowds of people gathered around displays from companies in the testing community. There appears to be lots going on. There is a small bug character and duck character immersed in the scene.
What's going on with the testing job market right now? Join events and discover many ways to contribute and learn with the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
White writing on a dark grey background. Text. Google 2012: Here’s how to test a website. Google 2018: Subscribe to this blog describing how to test websites. Google 2024: In the fast-paced world of software development, testing a website involves uncovering helpful information about risks, while you might want to consider taking this math test and all covid testing is available to most people. Would you like me to expand on this?
What are common challenges for someone new to testing and a new tester on a team? Read a roundup of news and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's MoT Weekly.
We're polling the community to support the software testing, QA and quality engineering jobs market.
How do we test data? What different types of data testing are there? What risks should I consider when testing data? What data can influence your test approach? This collection hopes to have answers to all your data testing needs.
A pyramid-shaped diagram titled "Testers Hierarchy of Needs". The base layer contains an exclamation point, a question mark, and a document icon, representing risks, questions, and requirements. The middle layer shows an exclamation point and a question mark, symbolizing risks and questions. The top layer displays an exclamation point, representing risks. The image is attributed to ministryoftesting.com.
The top half of two men smiling for a selfie. The image is a bit blurry. One of the men is wearing a Ministry of Testing cap. There is wooden door just behind them and a corridor leading to a conference building entrance.
Four people. A woman and three men standing next to each other looking cool at the camera – they are attempting to look like they are in a band. One of them is holding a phone with a picture of another man.
A fun game that takes us down TestBash Brighton memory lane
There's much to prioritise, so how do you do it? Find out what's been happening in the testing community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's software testing news.
A man holds a large duck toy. Their knees are bent and their face looks concerned, suggesting that the duck is heavy.
A fun photo shoot during a live workshop/webinar. There are nine webcam windows, each with a person inside. Everyone is pulling a different facial expression.
A meme with two frames. The top frame is a character holding their arms out to a yellow balloon with "memes" written on it. The bottom frame has the same character looking backwards at another character with "memories" written on it. The yellow balloon with "memes" remains in view but is smaller in size than the previous frame's balloon.
Debrief the week in testing; topics included public speaking, note-taking strategies, collaboration in testing and more!
Insights, poll results, and community feedback on the adoption, challenges, and potential of AI in Testing
What is critical thinking? How does critical thinking support testing and help us build better software? What critical thinking approaches can I learn? This collection aims to answer many questions related to critical thinking.
The bottom two-thirds of a person holding a white box full of small toy ducks.
Discover a treasure trove of places to practice testing and many ways to participate in the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
A venn diagram with three circles. Circle one text "legendary hosting skills". Circle two "infectious enthusiasm". Circle three "People amplifier". The three circles interlock. Text in the centre where all three circles converge: Gwen Diagram.
A still from the film Star Wars Episode 4. An old man with a white beard and brown cloak called Obi-Wan Kenobi holds his hand out and looks very serious. There are two robot characters behind him as they sit on a transport speeder. Text: These aren't the bugs you were looking for
The boot of a large car. There is a big fluffy duck toy poking its head out next to three large plastic containers with stationary in them. There are other event items packed into the boot space. It's crammed tight.
Two men and three women smile at the camera for a selfie. Some of them are wearing coloured name tags. They are standing in a grand-looking conference space with fancy-looking arches and wooden doors in the background.
Two photos in one. On the left hand side is looking down on a wood-panelled event space. There are many people gathered around stands and rows of tables are in the background. Lots of conversations are happening. On the right hand side it's a similar shot yet the space has been completely cleared.
The sea at night. There is a lit-up pier. The moon shines through a small set of clouds and reflects its light on the wavey sea.
What does momentum look like after a testing conference? Join events and discover many ways to contribute and learn with the community in this week's software testing news.
A group of several people kneeling and standing up on a conference stage. There is a woman at the front taking a selfie. Most people wear pink t-shirts with a Ministry of Testing logo. Most people are smiling.
In this episode Simon and the community shared insights on customer service pairing, test data creation for marketing applications, API optimisation., and much more!
A star certificate meme. Text: Congratulations Frustrated app users for World Testers Day You did it! 09/09/20YY date Testing Professionals signed. There is a smiley star certificate that looks like it's a certificate from a children's party or school.
How often should a testing community get together? Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's software testing news.
Listen to the community insight on interview challenges, optimizing test automation, career certifications, and much more!
The kombucha girl meme. On the left, a woman's face is grimacing. On the right, the same woman's face looks relieved and surprised. Text above both left and right images: been away now reconnecting with the testing community.
Where can our testing experience come from? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to enhance your career. Read this week's software testing news.
Listen to the community insight on interview preparation tips, security concerns around Selenium Grids, and much more!
What's got you excited about testing right now? Discover many ways to participate in the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
Discover key insights on the CrowdStrike bug, exploratory testing, and community initiatives
A meme picture of a confused Bugs Bunny – a famous grey cartoon bunny character. Text: you mean to tell me that's my name because I'm actually a tester.
A cat screaming at a green submit button. Text: Why isn't it doing anything.
Are you the only QA/Tester in your team or company? This collection is for you.
How do we amplify and demonstrate the value of testing? Join events and discover many ways to contribute to the community conversation in this week's software testing news.
What is Cypress? How does it help? Where to get started with Cypress? Who is Cypress for? How can I see Cypress in action? This collection hopes to have answers to all your Cypress needs.
Debrief the week in testing with Simon Tomes and AJ Wilson - CrowdStrike Special
Are we sprinting past essential testing skills? Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's software testing news.
Debrief the week in testing
What happens when a small bug turns into a big deal? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to enhance your career opportunities. Read this week's software testing news.
Debrief the week in testing
What habits and biases impact our testing? Discover many ways to participate in the testing, QA and quality engineering community. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
Debrief the week in testing
Debrief the week in testing
Debrief the week in testing
Debrief the week in testing
Debrief the week in testing
What is testability? How does testability enhance my testing efforts? How do I get started with testability tooling? What approaches are available to support better testability? his collection hopes to have answers to all your testability needs.
What do we often miss about testing? Register for events and discover ways to join the testing conversation. Find out what's been happening in the community in this week's software testing news.
Join Simon Tomes and his team of global correspondents in this engaging episode of The Testing Planet
What role does your tester mindset play? Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's software testing news.
How can we demonstrate tester/QA value? Find out what's been happening in the testing community and join events to enhance your career opportunities. All in this week's software testing news.
What does it mean to "shift left" and "shift right"? How does a Shift Left and Shift Right approach help you and your team? This collection hopes to have answers to all your questions related to shifting in all the directions!
What does your career path look like? Discover many ways to participate in the testing, QA and quality engineering community and register for events. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
How do I get started with mobile testing? What mobile testing strategies will help me? Who can help me with my mobile testing challenges? This collection hopes to have answers to all your mobile testing needs.
What balance can be found in testing? Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's software testing news.
How do I do performance testing? What is performance testing? What performance testing tools should I use? This collection hopes to have answers to all your performance testing needs.
How does a community of practice support your career growth? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to enhance your opportunities. All in this week's software testing news.
How often should we be testing? Discover many ways to join the testing, QA and quality engineering conversation and register for events. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
Join Simon Tomes and his team of global correspondents.
What's the most niche thing you've tested? Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing, QA and quality engineering community in this week's software testing news.
What's your current definition of software testing? Discover many ways to join the conversation and register for events. Find out what's been happening in this week's software testing news.
How can we support the next generation of testers? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to support your career growth. All in this week's software testing news.
Need help figuring out how to get the most out of your professional membership?
One small step leads to one giant leap. Discover many ways to join the testing, QA and quality engineering conversation and register for events. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
Join Simon Tomes and his team of global correspondents in this engaging episode of The Testing Planet
Help build a software testing glossary for the community. Read a roundup of news, events, trends and ideas from the testing community in this week's software testing news.
Uncover the truth behind automation's role in testing and its impact on testers
Learn about the latest trends and challenges in test automation
A celebration of just some the incredible things Kate Paulk has to share about software testing. Breaking misconceptions, amplifying whole team quality, advocating the importance of testing and much more.
How do we test with positive intent? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation and register for events. Find out what's been happening in the community in this week's software testing news.
What's the carbon footprint of training LLMs for testing? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to support your career growth. All in this week's software testing news.
How do we stay relevant? Discover many ways to join the testing and quality engineering conversation and register for events. Read it all in this week's software testing news.
How can quality engineering persevere with the rise of AI in Testing? Read a roundup of news, events and ideas from the testing community in this week's software testing news.
What happens when we explore new ground together? Read a round-up of what's been happening in the testing community. Seek inspiration in this week's software testing news.
Run out of test ideas? Use STTIHM to step into the mind of another tester!
How should tools give us the right kind of energy? Find out what's been happening in the community and join testing events to support your career growth. All in this week's software testing news.
How do we support those new to testing? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you use expression and communication to improve your testing? Read what's been happening in the testing community. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
How does a community enhance your testing skills? Read a roundup of news, events and ideas from the testing community in this week's testing newsletter.
How can automation support your testing efforts? Find out what's been happening in the testing community and join testing events to support your career growth. All in this week's newsletter.
How do testers add value when everyone owns quality and testing? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you reveal information about something new? Read a round-up of what's been happening in the testing community. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
How do you spark new test ideas? Read a roundup of news and ideas from the testing community in this week's newsletter.
What does 2024 have in store for you? Find out what's been happening in the testing community and join testing events to support your career growth. All in this week's newsletter.
How do you prefer to connect with testers? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you use models to collaborate? Plus a round-up of what's been happening in the testing community. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
Is it too late to discover how AI will disrupt the testing industry? Plus news and ideas from the testing community and industry. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
Dive into this collection to amplify your soft (or human) skills and become a better tester. Featuring items from Lisa Crispin, Deborah Reid, Kate Paulk, Dan Ashby, Marianne Duijst, Callum Akehurst-Ryan, Vernon Richards, Nicola Sedgwick and more!
How do you talk about quality with people who aren't testers? Find out what's been happening in the testing community plus testing events to support your career growth. All in this week's newsletter.
Get started with test automation frameworks and reflect on your existing approach to setting up and maintaining automation frameworks. Including help from Mark Winteringham, Ivan Karaman, Wim Selles, Jaswanth Manigundan, Anand Bagmar and Ioan Solderea.
How can we spread the good word about testing and quality? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Looking to change jobs? Check out this collection to help you get hired. Expert advice from Erin Donnelly, Elizabeth Zagroba, Nicola Martin, Peet Michielsen, Suman Bala, Gabbi Trotter, Beth Marshall, Conor Fitzgerald and Mirza Sisic.
Take your exploratory testing skills to the next level with this curated list of essential and advanced content related to exploratory testing.
What has the testing community been talking about? Discover testing events and many ways to learn and connect. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
What new angle could help you revisit something this week? Plus more ways to get involved with the testing community, business posts and testing events. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
The leadership has changed yet the community remains. Plus helpful business posts to read and more testing events to support your career growth. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
No response from this newsletter issue. Discover many ways to join the testing conversation, read helpful business posts and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Who could you help get hired? Discover lots of testing events and many ways to learn and connect. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
What soft skills support your testing? Plus more ways to get involved with the testing community, business posts and tonnes of testing events. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you keep the testing conference momentum going? Plus helpful business posts to read and more testing events to support your career growth. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
Is it possible to do it all? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation, read helpful business posts and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
In-person conferences can be overwhelming. Beyond the schedule, there are important things to remind yourself of. Here are five to help you make the most of your time.
Who would you like to congratulate on their new job? Discover lots of testing events and many ways to learn and connect. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
How could a testing watch party help you and your team? Plus more ways to get involved, business posts and tonnes of testing events. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you switch off and disconnect? Plus helpful business posts to read and more testing events to support your career growth. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
What could you share today? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation, read helpful business posts and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Where do you hang out online these days? Discover lots of testing events, helpful business posts and ways to get involved. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
What could you learn this week? Plus more ways to get involved with the testing community, business posts to read and tonnes of testing events. Discover it all in this week's newsletter.
Isn’t this just another training course? Discover many ways to join the testing conversation, read helpful business posts and register for testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Request Header Fields Too Large. Lots of testing events, helpful business posts and ways to get involved. Be inspired by your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
Connecting with fellow testing professionals can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Online forums with live chat are a great way to connect with other testers and learn from their experiences.
Does a keyword robot sift through our CVs? Plus many testing events and helpful business posts. Seek inspiration from your fellow testers in this week's newsletter.
The power of sharing a career-related challenge. Plus more ways to get involved with the testing community, several business posts and lots of testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
What would you share in public to inspire the testing community? Plus many ways to join the conversation, helpful business posts and plenty of testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
What's your current career goal? Be inspired by your ambitious fellow testers. Plus many testing events and helpful business posts. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Where could you join the conversation? Plus tonnes of testing events, questions from the community and helpful business posts. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Where are the AI testers? Plus questions from the testing community, helpful business posts and lots of testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Share your knowledge, earn £££, and inspire many people. Plus lots of testing events, community conversations to join and many helpful business posts. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How do we future-proof ourselves? Plus testing events, questions from the community and helpful business posts. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
What is it about requirements that cause things to go wrong? Plus questions from the community, helpful business posts and plenty of testing events. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
What could you do to help create the next generation of testers? Plus all the testing events, community questions, reading list of the week and helpful business posts. Read this week's newsletter.
How do you help those who are looking for a job? This week's newsletter features testing events, community questions and helpful business posts. Plus, discover a new section for the learners.
Where do you practice testing? Plus many helpful business posts, testing events to check out and questions for you to answer. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How do you (not) measure quality? Important TestBash Spring news plus helpful business posts and questions from the community for you to answer. Check out this week's newsletter.
Celebrate a key moment from TestBash Spring. Plus plenty more testing events to join, community questions to answer and helpful business posts. Read this week's newsletter.
Shall we keep talking about AI? Plus many helpful business posts, lots of new testing events and questions for you to answer. All in this week's newsletter.
Last week was a tough one for some of the testing community. Also in this week's newsletter: Discover testing events, helpful business posts, and many ways to learn and contribute.
Who in the testing community have you recently acknowledged? Plus testing events, interesting business posts, and many ways to learn, contribute and help out. Read this week's newsletter.
What role should testers play in the evolution of AI? Plus all the testing events for you to join, ways to contribute to the community and lots of helpful business posts. Read this week's newsletter.
How do you connect with the testing community? Plus many helpful business posts, lots of new testing events and questions for you to answer. All in this week's newsletter.
There's courage in the testing community. Plus helpful business posts, ways to get involved with the testing community and new testing events to attend.
What does it mean to contribute to the testing community? Discover how you can get involved. Plus helpful business posts and testing events.
What testing story about risk could you share today? Plus many helpful business posts, questions from the community for you to answer and ways to get involved.
Is the testing community moving onto forums and away from social media? Plus tonnes of helpful business posts, questions from the community and many ways to get involved.
Why it matters what the testing community talks about. Plus all the latest testing events, helpful business posts and ways to get involved. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
New year new TestBashes, Workshops and Masterclasses. Find out how to get involved in the latest weekly testing newsletter. Plus can you help the testing community?
Who in the community has inspired you in 2022? Plus all the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to get involved with the testing community. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
How will ChatGPT change the testing industry? Plus all the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to get involved with the testing community. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
Discover what inspired TestBash UK 2022 attendees in our 99 Second Talks
What are you looking forward to over the coming months? Read about the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. All in this week's newsletter.
Too many bugs in production? Top tips plus all the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. And find out about the new Automation Engineer in Testing Curriculum. All in ...
What career milestone are you most proud of? Celebrate your career wins. Plus the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. Read it all in the latest newsletter.
What's a low-effort way to give back to the testing community? Read about folks sharing in public plus all the latest testing events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. All in this week'...
Time for a retest? There's a first time for everything with a new TestBash just around the corner. Plus all the latest testing community news, events and helpful business posts. All this is in the ...
Is a crucial career spark just around the corner? Read a reflection on the latest MoT conference plus all the testing events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. Discover it all in this w...
What do testing and event hosting have in common? Plus all the latest testing event news, useful business posts and ways to contribute to the testing community. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
We have had to make some changes to TestBashX Bucks, happening on the 14th of October in Milton Keynes
How do tools turn implicit into explicit? All the latest testing event news, useful business posts and ways to contribute to the testing community. Read it all in this week's newsletter.
What have been your crucial career sparks? Plus find out how you can help sell tickets to TestBashX Bucks. Along with all the latest testing event news, useful business posts and ways to contribute...
What can we learn from becoming complacent? Plus, check out top tips for getting the most out of a testing conference. Along with all the latest testing events, helpful business posts and ways to c...
Check out a classic new tee featuring a winning slogan from David Duke
What do you do when it's the first time you explore something? Check out a new feature to the MoT Platform and discover a handy new app for TestBash UK. Along with all the latest testing events, us...
Why attend an in-person testing conference? Plus reflections on the previous week in the testing community. And all the latest events, useful business posts and ways to contribute. Read it all in t...
When is it a good time to ask a question? And when is it not? Celebrate your contribution to the community, win a ticket to TestBash UK plus all the events and ways to get involved in Test.bash(); ...
Things got heated! Find out what happened in the testing community last week. Plus the latest testing events and an exciting way to get involved in Test.bash();
Find out the latest reflections on last week in the testing community. What keeps us divided and how might we change that? Plus new testing events to look forward to.
Sometimes you can't help but step away from the world of testing. So there's not much of an update this week. Yet there are the usual helpful business links and a whole load of events to check out.
What's been happening last week in the world of Ministry of Testing? Plenty of planning for the future and a reflection on how the testing community can continue to support each other.
Get a glimpse of what happened last week with the Ministry of Testing community. What was the worst bug found using Internet Explorer? And find out about the launch of the Community Micro-Events Me...
A look at what's happened last week with the Ministry of Testing community. Plus a look forward. What's possible when you join a 24-hour testing conference for the entire planet?
A look at what's been happening with the Ministry of Testing community, including new events and things to learn. Also, how might you take a break from testing?
A look at what's been happening with the Ministry of Testing community, including many new events and things to learn. What value might you reflect on and demonstrate?
March to May served up a helpful number of small community events to spark useful conversations about testing. Find out what happened and what's next.
A look back and forward in the Ministry of Testing community, including many new events and things to learn. What are you looking forward to?
Which new 99 Minute Challenge could you take on?
Discover what a survey and a series of 1-2-1 chats have revealed about the Ministry of Testing community
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community, including many new events and things to learn. What new thing might you try this week?
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Including new observations, talks and events. What questions might you ask?
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. What did you learn from the community? Who might you help this week?
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Who might you help today?
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation. Your Weekly Te...
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation.
Dive into the handy Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet, new and improved for today's modern testing professional. Support your testing efforts and generate test ideas.
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation.
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation.
February served up an exciting set of small community events to help the community have useful conversations about testing. Find out what happened and what's next.
A look back on the previous week in the Ministry of Testing community. Read about all the upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community and be part of the conversation.
Find out our plans for welcoming those new to the Ministry of Testing community and share your feedback
Discover the latest weekly software testing news and read about all the upcoming events and workshops. There are plenty to choose from! Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the...
Read the latest weekly software testing news and find out about all the new upcoming events and workshops. There are plenty to choose! Find out how you can help the community and be part of the con...
Read the latest weekly software testing news and find out about all the new upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation.
January served up an exciting set of small community events. Find out how it all went.
Discover the latest weekly software testing news and find out about all the new upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation. How might ...
Read the latest weekly software testing news and find out about all the new upcoming events and workshops. Plus, find out how you can help the community. Be part of the conversation.
Discover the latest weekly software testing news. Read new blog and Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, and articles. Find out about upcoming events and workshops. Be part of the community conversa...
Read the latest weekly software testing news. Discover new blog and Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, and articles. Plus find out about upcoming events and workshops. Be part of the community con...
A curated list of the essential blogs, tools and sources for idea creation for exploratory testing
Read the latest weekly software testing news. Discover new blog and Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, and articles. Plus find out about upcoming events and workshops. Be part of the community con...
Discover the latest weekly software testing news. Read new blog and Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts, and articles. Find out about upcoming events and workshops. Join the community conversation. ...
Simon Tomes shares how Exploratory testing differs from scripted testing and the "trying to break it" mentality of testing
Read all the latest weekly software testing news. Discover new blog and Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts and articles. Plus find out about upcoming events and workshops. Join the community conver...
Exploring an alternative way to defining exploratory testing and how it can help the whole team
Simon Tomes shares what exploratory testing is and how it can help level up your testing efforts
Check out all the interesting info about Test.bash() 2021 and 30 Days of Tools. What do you find interesting?
Discover all the latest weekly software testing news. Read new blog and The Club posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts and articles. Plus find out about upcoming events and workshops. What essential questi...
We hope this simple list helps you find support, reflection, and what you need when it matters.
Read all the latest weekly software testing news. Discover new blog posts and articles, and find out about upcoming events and workshops. How do testers provide insight?
Discover the many ways to move the Ministry of Testing community forward, in a way that works for you.
Discover all the latest weekly software testing news. Read new blog posts, articles, and podcasts and find out about upcoming events, and workshops. Is gatekeeping hurting your team?
We celebrate the excellentness of October with a round up of the final days of October's 30 Days of Tools and Test.bash();
Grab a brew and hear what folks had to say during the 99 Second Talks at Test.bash();
Discover all the latest weekly software testing news. Read new blog posts, articles, and podcasts and find out about upcoming events, and workshops. How do you find your dream role?
Discover some of the highlights of Days 14 to 26 of 30 Days of Tools
Read all the latest weekly software testing news and explore the many conversations happening across the community right now - why is Record and Playback misunderstood?
Discover some of the highlights of Days 5 to 8 of 30 Days of Tools
Test.bash(); is only a matter of weeks away, so it's time to take action to register or buy your ticket. Find out why.
Discover some of the highlights of Days 1 to 4 of 30 Days of Tools
Discover the latest weekly software testing news and explore the many conversations happening across the community right now - what's a good recipe for a great software tester?
Get started with 30 Days of Tools in a way that works for you
Add tools and discover more with the new Ministry of Testing Tools Directory. What's missing?
Complete this one question survey to share what stops you from attending a 99 Minute Workshop when it's happening live
Check out the Test.bash(); schedule and register your spot with a Pro membership or purchase a ticket.
Read the latest weekly software testing news and join the many conversations happening across the community - are you open to experiencing your cognitive biases?
Introducing your hosts for Test.bash();. Learn who will be your guides throughout the day.
Discover the latest weekly software testing news and join the conversations happening across the community - what tools shall I learn?
The 30 Days of Tools challenges are ready and waiting. Have you subscribed to receive a daily email for each one?
Learn how to subscribe to 30 Days of Tools to receive every challenge in your inbox
Read the latest weekly software testing news. Join the community conversations happening right now - what's in your testing toolbox?
Sharing your story with the testing community is super rewarding. Find out how to submit to talk and contribute to 30 Days of Tools.
Discover the latest weekly software testing news. Join the many community conversations happening right now - How Do You Stay Tool Aware? Create a better test strategy and learn to coach plus much ...
Level up your testing capabilities and connect with other community learners. Register for September's 99 Minute Workshops.
Read the latest weekly software testing news. Discover conversations from within the community - 80% Automated and 20% Exploratory. Really?
Discover all the latest weekly software testing news from the community - how do you handle your test data?
All the latest news and discussions from within the testing community - what do non-testers assume you do as a tester?
The MoT team decide it's about time they took some time off in August. Find out why.
All the recent software testing news. How do you tackle a bug mountain? Time to review the bugs that matter, plus how to test an elevator.
It may seem like just the other day, yet it's been over a month. Watch the TestBash Home videos and learn from your amazing community.
Discover recent software testing news. Are you managing testing or leading it? Plus all the latest conversations and places for you to get involved.
Veerle Verhagen shares why she let go of her fear of missing out at TestBash Home 2021. Listen today.
Discover how MoT bring you exciting news every week, plus how to sign up and share your feedback.
99 Minute Workshops help move our testing craft forward. Learn how to become an instructor and be part of that movement.
Check out the latest software testing news. How would you test face recognition software? Plus api-testing, practical test leadership and lots of useful discussions from our community. Read on!
The latest weekly software testing newsletter. Sharing the latest articles about Security testing, the plans for TestBash Home and the discussions that are happening within the community. Oh and we...
Simon Tomes shares his excitement at joining Ministry of Testing
Ministry of Testing's November Round Up of all Software Testing News
Ministry of Testing September Round Up of all Software Testing News
Ministry of Testing August Round Up of all Software Testing News
Ministry of Testing July Round Up of all Software Testing News
Ministry of Testing June Round Up of all Software Testing News
November RoundUp of All Things MoT
September RoundUp of All Things MoT
August RoundUp of All Things MoT
July RoundUp of All Things MoT
June RoundUp of All Things MoT
Get your dose of exploratory testing inspiration
Watch Simon Tomes's talk on 'Is It Too Late To Discover The Value Of Exploratory Testing? A Love Story' from TestBash Belfast 2017
Take three diagrams to help you talk about exploratory testing