Hanisha Arora
Hanisha Arora
Advocating Products @GreyB
Making developers work on actual "real" problems by killing their tech biases.


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Models image
  • Dan Ashby's profile
  • Janet Gregory's profile
  • Hanisha Arora's profile
What is a model? Simply put, it’s a simpler version of something complicated. Think of a map, it doesn’t show every tree, hill or crack in the road, but it gives you enough information to get where you’re going.
My Blog image
  • Hanisha Arora's profile
When I understood how testing helps in business - https://lean.illued.space/
My first meetup presentation image
  • Hanisha Arora's profile
Found this in drive - the presentation I gave in my first community meetup as speaker.
Reporting same bugs to developers image
  • Hanisha Arora's profile
When developers give me same bugs on repetitive testing.
MoT Software Testing Essentials Certificate image
  • Simon Tomes's profile
  • Sarah Deery's profile
  • Ady Stokes's profile
  • Rosie Sherry's profile
Boost your career in software testing with the MoT Software Testing Essentials Certificate. Learn essential skills, from basic testing techniques to advanced risk analysis, crafted by industry experts. Early access available now at a discounted rate!
Reboot Your Bug-Hunting: Five Ways To Supercharge Your Software Testing image
  • Hanisha Arora's profile
Learn to apply these quick and effective bug-hunting hacks!
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