What is exploratory testing?
(ET) Exploratory testing is an approach towards testing. It involves concurrently learning, designing, and executing, and recording tests, at the same time rather than specifying all your tests upfront before execution, and it has the purpose of uncovering information related to risks.
Do you have any examples?
I could do things like explore different types of data that could be submitted via a web form or explore the rendering of a web page across multiple browsers or explore how a feature works depending on different user privileges.
What's the value of utilizing an exploratory testing approach?
Exploratory testing empowers, testers to use their skills to discover information freely. ET can be structured to help keep the tester focused on specific risks, and it can help, a tester to reveal more information that a scripted test approach wouldn't uncover as you're not biased by the test case steps.
Are there any pitfalls?
Exploratory testing is an approach that requires a lot of skill and practice. A good exploratory tester needs to know how to focus and defocus when testing, And note taking is important to help communicate what a tester has done whilst not hampering them, but this is hard to do.