The Talk Recordings From TestBash UK Are Live!

Sparks new ideas by watching all the amazing talks from TestBash UK

Did you suffer FOMO when the community finally got back together at TestBash UK 2022? Or were you there experiencing the community feels and deep learning at the new multi-format TestBash? Either way, you can now live the magic vicariously through your screens by watching the amazing TestBash UK talk recordings on the MoT platform.

Ever wondered what Dan Ashby thinks Quality really is? We’ve captured his wise words here. Or maybe you wanted to watch Julia Pottinger’s amazing and succinct session on API testing, you can watch that here. Perhaps you’re interested in venturing into quality coaching, well Clare Norman, Vernon Richards and Stuart Day have got you covered!

There is so much to learn from the TestBash UK recordings on topics such as heuristics, automation, thread modelling and much more. So get stuck in and watch the talk videos back to consolidate your learnings or spark new ideas. 

Go Pro to watch all the talks or check your emails if you attended TestBash UK, where information on accessing the talks will be revealed.

Watch the talks!

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Hello, I'm

Sarah Deery

Learning And Development Specialist

Sarah Deery is a Learning And Development Specialist at Ministry of Testing. Her main aim is to help software testers turn their vast knowledge and skills into bite-sized chunks suitable for the community to digest. She used to do things in her spare time but now she has a toddler.