Sometimes the Plan Changes

We have had to make some changes to TestBashX Bucks, happening on the 14th of October in Milton Keynes

Sometimes a plan has to change and we’ve made the following updates to this Friday’s TestBashX Bucks.

I will now host the day and Richard Adams will give his excellent ‘Let’s Go Threat Modelling’ talk from TestBash UK – a talk that was very well received.


Why the change?

Plans out of their control meant Laveena Ramchandani can no longer host and sadly illness got the better of Melissa Fisher who was due to give a talk. We wish them both well! We also acknowledge the impact of these changes on the diversity of the original lineup.

For everything else, look out for the “TestBashX Buckinghamshire - All You Need to Know” email sent on 7th October.

We look forward to seeing you this Friday at TestBashX Bucks!


- Simon Tomes, CommunityBoss

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Hello, I'm

Simon Tomes

Community Lead

Simon is the Community Lead at Ministry of Testing and his pronouns are he/him. He has a passion for all things testing with a career in various testing and tech roles since 2003. He particularly enjoys promoting and sharing the value of exploratory testing, leadership, collaboration, creativity and community.