Want to Speak at a TestBash This Year?

If you want to speak at any TestBash this year, you need to submit your abstract before the 13th of March 2022!

2022 is the TestBash year: with a total of 7 online and 4 in-person TestBash conferences, this year there are plenty of oportunities for our community members to get on stage and talk about all the hot topics in testing.

With such a packed year, we've decided to simplify the abstract submission process and have a single closing date for all the upcoming TestBashes: the 13th of March 2022.

With the exception of TestBash Leadership and TestBash Mobile, which have ended or will end sooner.

If you want to submit and abstract for any of the upcoming TestBash conferences, you will need to do on or before the 13th of March 2022.

Together with the recent changes we've made to the CFP (Call For Papers) and the Abstract Reviews, our aim is to make this abstract submission and review processes quicker and better to all involved, from the MoT team, to the reviewer and the speaker.


After the 13th of March, we will allow 3 weeks for the community to review all the abstracts submitted, closing the reviews by the 3rd of April. 

This does not mean we will announce all the line-ups for all the TestBashes at once. We will work through all the reviews in order, from the closest TestBash to the last one of the year and announce lineups as and when we can.


As always, let us know if you have any questions or if you need help with your abstract.


- Diana Dromey, EventBoss @ Ministry of Testing

Diana Dromey's profile
Hello, I'm

Diana Dromey

Events Producer

I'm originally from Portugal and now calling Manchester, UK, my home. I love meeting new people, hosting friends and family, snowboarding, delicious food, binge-watching sci-fi TV shows, photography, my beautiful son, driving and generally life itself!