Software Testing News – Issue 469: Welcome the Newbies

How can we support the next generation of testers? Find out what's been happening in the community and join events to support your career growth. All in this week's software testing news.

What's been happening in the testing, QA and quality engineering community? Let's go! 🚐


New to Testing

  • People join the community each week and recently I've noticed more have joined than usual. New folks are unsure where to start and can feel overwhelmed. It's good when we gather and support those new to our craft. I've been sharing this collection. Software Testing Essentials: Resources for Beginners 
  • Welcome to Dajah Robertson, Marilena Ch and Kaarina Mikalson. Thanks for getting active on The Club.



Advocating for Testers


AI in Testing




Getting Hired

Bugs in the Wild

Performance Testing

Exploratory Testing

Database Testing


API Testing

Mobile Testing

Just for Fun

 Have a good week.

— Simon Tomes, part of the Community Team at Ministry of Testing



People gathered around tables. They are running an exercise at a testing event. There is an orange monster character in the foreground. It is holding a cubed puzzle object.
Gather with the testing community. Join an event, Slack and The Club.


🗓️ Events

New events are always added, so keep checking the events page for up-to-date info.


📖 Industry News


✏️ Calls for Contributions


Simon Tomes's profile

Simon Tomes

Community Lead

Simon is the Community Lead at Ministry of Testing and his pronouns are he/him. He has a passion for all things testing with a career in various testing and tech roles since 2003. He particularly enjoys promoting and sharing the value of exploratory testing, leadership, collaboration, creativity and community.