Aj Wilson
Aj Wilson
Staff QE
I am Open to Work
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'Open to Work' September 2024 image
We're polling the community to support the software testing, QA and quality engineering jobs market.
21% of organisations are not interested in the adoption of AI in testing image
A snapshot of wider industry sentiment and how this relates to testing
🐤 Day 18: What testing trends did you notice? image
Reflect and share the key trends, techniques, or tools that you talked about, heard about, tried out or seen during or after Testbash
Are software testers using AI for test planning? image
Or is adoption still in the early stages...


TestBashNY 2015 image
TestBash hits the Big Apple! The New York City collection.
Selenium image
Automation Tool Classic
The Community's Guide to Security Testing image
All things Security, Cyber Security and Penetration Testing
The Community's Guide to Test Cases image
Let's dive into how test cases are brought into existence
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