Help Us Sell More Tickets for TestBashX Buckinghamshire

Ministry of Testing needs your help. TestBashX Buckinghamshire is just two weeks away. An incredible one-day event of hands-on activities and two brilliant talks.

Ministry of Testing needs your help. TestBashX Buckinghamshire is just two weeks away. An incredible one-day event of hands-on activities and two brilliant talks.
It’s currently running at a £6000 loss. We want to reduce this loss, here are a few ways you may be able to help:

🎟  Attend the conference

If Milton Keynes is within reach, you’ll get two talks, and six hands-on activities for just £75. A full day of learning, conversations and engagement. Plus some lunch.

A great team day out for a very low cost.

🎁  Gift a ticket(s)

Perhaps you are in a position to support someone else attending the conference. A colleague, former colleague, or we’ll find someone to attend thanks to your gift.

🪧  Sponsor some tickets

Are you a company with customers in the area, perhaps you can buy some tickets, and gift them to your users?

We’ll also raise awareness across our channels about your generosity.

📈  Help us get more eyes on the event

Share, share and share. Could you post about #TestBash X on your social channels, so your network hears about TestBashX?

This may lead to some sales.

📣  Share your experiences with activities at TestBash

Have you attended a TestBashX? Or perhaps took part in some activity tables at TestBash UK?

If so, share your experiences, and how you found the format.

📌  We completely understand this position is our own doing, a lot of things have been happening and TestBashX Bucks hasn’t been given as much love as it deserves. But if you can help, we’d really appreciate it.

Thank you 🙏🏼


Grab Your Ticket!

Richard Bradshaw's profile
Hello, I'm

Richard Bradshaw

Richard Bradshaw is an experienced tester, consultant and generally a friendly guy. He shares his passion for testing through consulting, training and giving presentation on a variety of topics related to testing. He is a fan of automation that supports testing. With over 10 years testing experience, he has a lot of insights into the world of testing and software development. Richard is a very active member of the testing community. Richard blogs at and tweets as @FriendlyTester. He is also the creator of the YouTube channel, Whiteboard Testing.