📰 Quality Engineering in focus: don’t miss The Testing Planet, episode 8 🪐

See who’s joining the Quality Engineering journey on The Testing Planet

Stop what you're doing! We’re about to take off once again to The Testing Planet and this is one mission you don’t want to miss!

We’re landing on Wednesday, the 29th of January, at 1400 (GMT) where we will be Exploring Quality Engineering

The MoTaverse’s finest quality engineering minds are ready to share their knowledge and boldly go where few testers have gone before!

Here’s a sneak peek at the stellar lineup for Episode 8:

🌌 Cosmic Conversation: Quality Engineering Models & Systems

  • Anne-Marie Charrett: Quality engineering trailblazer with a knack for transforming chaos into elegant systems
  • Niko Mangahas: The maestro of innovative quality systems, making the impossible seem routine

🚀 Cosmic Discussion: Quality Engineering People

  • Jitesh Gosai: Champion of quality-focused teams with an eye for unlocking human potential
  • Steven Knopf: Collaboration superhero who turns "teamwork" into an art form
  • Alessandra Moreira: Advocate for inclusive excellence, building diverse, quality-driven teams.
  • Carlos Kidman: Educator extraordinaire, empowering teams with his signature training style.

🌠 The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Quality Engineering

  • Nataliia Burmei: Explorer of uncharted territories in quality engineering—sharing lessons from the frontlines

🛰️ The Testing Planet News

  • Simon Tomes: Your lively guide to the latest and greatest from The Testing Planet
  • Philippa Jennings: Serving sharp insights with a side of wit and wisdom
  • Melissa Fisher: Always a step ahead in testing trends and tech tales
  • Matthew Whitaker: Your cosmic compass for the future of quality engineering

Don’t miss the chance to hear these legends share their stories, ideas and actionable tips that you can bring back to your own testing planet.


👉 Register now! 👈

Diana Dromey
Events & Marketing Lead
Originally from Portugal but call Manchester UK my home. I love meeting people, hosting friends and family, snowboarding, food, binge-watching sci-fi TV shows, photography, my son and life itself!
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