How Do You Tackle a Bug Mountain?

All the recent software testing news. How do you tackle a bug mountain? Time to review the bugs that matter, plus how to test an elevator.


A warm welcome if this is your first time reading. It's very kind of you to have signed up.

For those of you who read each week, well, it's an absolute joy that you keep coming back. Thank you! 

There are many ways to get involved with the Ministry of Testing community. Ask a question on The Club, join the conversation on Twitter and Slack. You could review some abstracts, listen to a podcast, or write an article. Or perhaps take the plunge to share your knowledge by leading a 99 Minute Workshop.

And one other simple way to keep the conversation going; reply to this email or email me directly via It would be lovely to hear from you.

Happy Testing!
Simon, CommunityBoss

This newsletter is kindly supported by Sauce Labs!

Q&A with Sauce Labs and Backtrace: Why Error Monitoring Is an Essential Part of Continuous Testing

Join us on the 28th July 2021 for a Q&A-style webinar with Matt Wyman from Sauce Labs and Abel Mathew from Backtrace to discuss our acquisition of Backtrace and why error monitoring in production has become a must-have for dev teams. Register now!



What's New With Ministry of Testing? 

Lots of upcoming events, new ways for you to get involved and talks to help you progress as a tester and leader! See our latest news and additions, catch up on anything you might have missed in the last few weeks. 

Thomas Rinke joins Neil on the latest Testers' Island Disc podcast, to talk about his career in testing.  They discuss the challenges and achievements associated with guiding teams along their agile journey, from both a tester and manager’s perspective. 🎧

📣  We are looking for our next Masterclass and Discussion speakers, do you have knowledge about Test Strategies?  Or maybe you know someone that should speak?  Submit before 6th August and become our next speaker! 

Critical thinking is highly beneficial for testers, but is it a skill you can learn, practice and improve?  Yes it is 🙌 Jit created this guide to help you figure out the core skills and how you can improve the quality of your thinking 🧠

Could you become the next team leader?  Maybe you could level up how you lead? Join the Discussion on Tuesday at 8pm UK time and polish your leadership skills.   

🌍  We have more and more meetups happening globally.  There might now be one happening near you.  


This newsletter is also supported by Applitools!

Don't Miss Future of Testing Mobile (APAC) | August 10 @ 9am AEST

Future of Testing: Mobile is a free virtual event featuring top engineers from brands such as Microsoft, & Suncorp Group leading sessions and lightning talks on cutting-edge practices and tools in mobile testing, automation, release strategies, and multi-platform integrations.

Join Online Events

All of our upcoming events - including Masterclasses, Ask Me Anythings, Discussions and Training Courses, plus 99-Minute workshops.

If you're interested in finding out about future meetups, whether online or in person, please check out the Club meetup section or keep an eye on the Slack Events channel


Continue the Conversation

The Club is the place to ask questions, share your ideas and build great connections with others. Join the conversation and see where it might take you. Here are five places to get started this week.

  1. How do you deal with a bug backlog the size of a mountain?
  2. When testing a data migration how do you differentiate between System Testing and System Integration Testing?
  3. What useful questions do you use to encourage continuous learning in your scrum team?
  4. Further thoughts and ideas on metrics and their relationship with demonstrating good quality.
  5. How would you test an elevator?

TOP TIP: Stuck on any topic related to testing? Perform a keyword search. Dig deeper to rediscover and reignite great conversations.


Discover Useful Business Posts

Posts selected from our business feed.  Highlighting interesting posts from our annual partners for 2021! 

🤖 Have you heard of the 10–10–10 Rule of Test Automation?  Could it help you build a successful long-term automation strategy? 

As the advancements in technology are exponentially increasing, so is the complexity. Using modern practices and tools to keep up with this pace is vital for sustainable growth.  Do you think these 4 Agile testing trends will continue?  🤔 

Applitools have put together a collection of free Appium tutorials, guides and courses to help you improve your mobile test automation skills. 


Get Closer to the Community

We've picked out some posts from our blog and podcast feeds that we think would be useful. 

⏰ How long is an acceptable page load time? Louise explores the problems associated with slow load times and how to test for them. 

"I can’t un-see how weird we have set up the way of working and how bad it works for testing." Do you share similar frustrations with the tester role like Maaike does?  🤦‍♀️ 

Here's what Emna learned at a recent workshop on exploring requirements with a tester's mindset. Have you heard of the 7 Product Dimensions? 

What would you be doing if you weren't a software tester? Turns out there's plenty of exciting career options for us all!

👉  About to join a team or start a new job? Mirza's got you covered with a set of short sharp tips.

Senior Test Engineer
Simon Tomes
Community Lead at Ministry of Testing
Hello, I'm Simon. I've had various roles in testing, tech leadership and coaching since 2003. I believe in the power of collaboration, creativity and community.
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